

The Essence of Life

Gingko (Ginkgo biloba)

Botanical Name: Gingko biloba
Family: Ginkgoaceae

Other names:
Adiantifolia, Arbre aux quarante ecus, Bai guo ye, Duck foot tree, Fossil tree, Ginkgo; Gin-nan, Icho, Maidenhair tree; Silver Apricot tree, Temple balm, Templetrae, Yinhsing.

Gingko is a deciduous tree that produces resin. It is a dioecious tree, this means it has male and female trees, therefore both are required for pollination. The tree grows approximately 40m by 7m and can have a trunk diameter of up to 1.5m when fully grown. The tree can live up to a 1000 years old, some ancient trees in China are thought to be older than this. The branches of the tree are stiff, having both elongated and spur shoots. The leaves of the tree are fan shaped or similar to that of ducks feet, which also goes with their name of duck foot tree. The leaves are approximately 5-7 cm long, being both alternate and clustered, they are divided in the middle, dichotomously veined and long petioled. The name biloba is an indication of the two lobes of the leaf. The leaves are light green in spring turning to a rich golden yellow in autumn. The reproductive structures of the plant are on the spur shoots, in the axils of the bracts or leaves. The male plant has catkins whereas the female has 2 ovules on a long peduncle, only one of these usually matures. The fruit of the plant ripens in the autumn, this is approximately 2.5cm long, yellow, plum like and fleshy in appearance. This fruit contains an inner seed or kernel (nut). The odour of the fruit is strong and characteristic and quite unpleasant in manner. (Braun and Cohen, 2011; Dharmananda and Heiner, 1997; Fisher 2009).

Gingko originated from South East China, however it is common throughout the world as an ornamental tree that is resistant to pests and infection. Often the male tree is grown due to the smell of the fruits produced by the females. Plants can be grown from seed, cuttings, layers or from buds and grafts.

Historically Gingko is known a fossil tree, as it is literally a living fossil, this is because it is acknowledged to be the oldest type of tree in the world. The genus of the plant dates back approximately 165 million years in China. Prior to this the genus was disturbed across much of the northern hemisphere - approximately 180-200 million years ago. The last ice age destroyed this group of plants leaving only the Gingko biloba as the last remaining member of the family.

Parts of the plant used:
In modern times the focus has been on using the leaf of the tree, however traditional use focused on using the nut. There are slightly different qualities to each. (Braun 2011; Fisher 2009). It must be noted that when harvesting the seed or kernel from the fruit, protective clothing needs to be worn, such as gloves, as some people have sensitivity to the fruits and they may cause an unpleasant skin reaction.
Major Chemical Components (leaf, seed kernel)
4’-0-methylpyridoxine, Anacardic acid, Beta-sterol, Bilobal, Bilobalide, Bilobetin, Carotenoids, Cytokinin, d-glucaric acid, Diterpenes Flavonoids, Gibberellin, Ginkgetin, Ginkgocide A, Ginkgocide B, Ginkgocide C, Ginkgocide J, Ginkgocide M, Ginkgol, Ginkgolic acid, Ginkgol, bilobal, Ginkgolides, Ginnol, Isoginkgetin, Isoginketine, Isorhamnetin, Kaempferol-3-rhamnoglucoside, Quercitrin, Quereetin, Quercitrin, Rutin, Sciadopitysin, Sesquiterpene, Shikimic acid. (Fisher 2009; Liu et al 2005).

Active Constituents / Components
Several of the above components are thought to be responsible for the healing aspects of Ginkgo, these include the flavonoids type compounds Quercetin, Kaempferol and Isorhamnetin, Terpenoids, Bilobalide and the Ginkgolides A, B, C, J and M. These chemicals are often removed from the plant and formed into a standardised extraction which is used as a supplement. Whilst extracts of the plant have their value, there is the view that the synergy of all the various compounds working together that give the overall benefit. (Fisher 2009; Liu et al 2005).

Nutritional components:
Ginkgo nut contains a wide variety of beneficial components. Ginkgo per 100g weight contains the following macronutrients:- 38g carbohydrates, 2g lipids (fats) and 4g protein.

Common protein food sources are meat, fish, dairy, eggs, seeds, nuts. When eaten the digestive system of the body breaks the proteins of these foods down into amino acids. There are 22 amino acids the body uses, 8 of which are essential and the remaining 14 are considered non-essential. Amino acids are used within the body for a whole range of functions, on a basic level they are the building blocks of the body forming the tissue and structure for all parts of the body as well as smaller structures such as hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and haemoglobin. When protein is eaten, it is digested and broken down to amino acids, the body is able to form certain other amino acids from these. This type of amino acid is called a non-essential amino acid, specifically because the body can form them. However the body is only able to make a certain amount of amino acids and must have an input of what is known as essential amino acids to function correctly, these need to be a part of the daily diet. Without these essential amino acids, problems can start occuring with the body. Foods that contain all the essential amino acids are known as complete proteins. Ginkgo nuts are a complete protein as they contain all the essential amino acids. Gingko nuts contains the majority of the non-essential amino acids. (Self nutritional data 2018).

Summary of the Amino Acids Properties within Ginkgo Nuts
Essential Amino Acids
 This is found in the muscles in high amounts and is involved in the production of energy.

 This amino acid is essential for growth.
 Synthesis of protein in muscle.
 Leucine is also used in the production of energy and is particularly important during times of starvation and fasting.

 This is found in muscle tissue.
 Calcium absorption from the intestinal tract.
 It helps in the formation of bone and collagen production.

 Health of skin and nails.
 Prevents the build up of fat in the liver and other parts of the body.
 Prevention of fatigue.
 Reduction of allergy due to it lowers histamine response and works as an antioxidant.

 This amino acid is a precursor of tyrosine.
 Formation of the catecholamines epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine (noradrenaline) dopamine and tyramine.

 Formation of tooth enamel protein, elastin and collagen.
 It also helps in keeping fat low within the liver.
 Reducing the effect of glucose.
 It also promotes the growth of the thymus, therefore is immune stimulating.

 Reduces the incidence of insomnia and depression, precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin. Tryptophan is linked with reducing pain especially dental, headaches and migraines. It also stimulates appetite.

 Useful in treating addictions.
 Linked with the myelin sheathes that cover the nerves.
 It is also used in the production of energy.
 Useful in building muscle and treating liver and gall bladder disease.

Non essential Amino acids.
 Found in muscle tissue, used in muscle and liver chemistry and their fuel source.
 Deficiency is also linked with hypoglycaemia.
 Immune function.
 Neurotransmitter like function.
 Nitrogen shuttle between nerves in the brain deficiency linked with epilepsy.

 Used for periods of growth especially in childhood, pregnancy and during times of stress.
 Used in muscle metabolism.
 Hormone function.
 Deficiencies are indicated by constipation, hair loss, liver disease and delayed wound healing.

Aspartic acid
 Elimination of wastes in the body such as urea.
 Excitatory function in the brain.
 Deficiency linked with depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, memory lapse , chronic fatigue and possibly dementia like illnesses.
 Excess aspartic levels linked with epilepsy. Production of DNA and RNA.
 Protection from radiation and toxins.

 This is a sulphur containing amino acid used in many metabolic pathways.
 It is part of the production of homocyestine from a complex path of other compounds.
 Used in the formation of glutathione a regulator of cellular health.
 Immune function.

Glutamic acid (glutamate)
 An acidic and excitatory amino acid ability to stimulate the nervous system.
 Converted to gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA).
 Converted into glutamine which is healing to the small intestine.

 Energy production by sparing glucose and glycogen storage.
 Important for brain metabolism acting as a neurotransmitter, exerting a calming effect.
 DNA and RNA synthesis.
 Muscle spasticity.
 Detoxification, cleansing of blood fats and uric acid.
 Wound healing.

 Periods of growth and is essential in childhood.
 Malnourishment and periods of injury used for tissue repair.
 Blood cell production – haemoglobin.
 Production of histamine used for allergy and inflammation.

 Production of collagen which is used to make bone skin and cartilage.
 Maintenance of joints and tendons.
 Antibacterial.

 Part of the components of brain proteins and neurological health.
 Cell membranes contain a form of this.
 Part of the S-adenosylmethionine cycle (SAM cycle).
 Detoxification.
 Gene regulation.
 Hormone production.
 Cellular apoptosis.

 Precursor to epinephrine (adrenaline) norepinephrine (noradrenaline) dopamine and thyroid hormones stimulating the nervous system and metabolism.
 Growth.
 Pain response.
 Hormone production.
 Antidepressant qualities.
 Appetite suppressant.
(Haas, 2006).

Ginkgo nuts also contain a low level of lipids (fats and fatty acids), a portion of these being saturated fats. It has been reported by certain health organisations that saturated fats have increased risks linked with obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular health. However current research is questioning the role this type of fat really has and evaluating its impact on the body. Recent studies indicate saturated fat is not the problem with obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular health, the real culprits being high levels of processed carbohydrates in the form of packaged food which is high in sugars, grains such as wheat and transfats. (Mercola, 2011). Ginkgo nuts contain no cholesterol and transfats, these have been linked with negative health conditions. Ginkgo nuts do have some monounsaturated fats and essential fatty acids, specifically omega 6 and 3 oils which are essential for health.

The micronutrient content of the Ginkgo nut includes vitamin A (Retinol activity), vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and vitamin C. The minerals Gingko nuts contain are Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, Copper and Manganese. (Self Nutritional Data 2018).

Summarisation of Micronutrients Properties within Ginkgo Nuts
This is an overview of the properties of these micronutrients and some of the conditions they can support or treat.

Vitamin A
 Production of one of the chemicals of the eye cones, leading to night vision.
 Health of cornea and eye covering.
 Lack of vitamin A may lead to inflammation and irritation of the eye tissue.

Growth and Tissue healing:
 Tissue health and maintenance.
 The laying down of new cells including bone cells and teeth (part of the production of tooth enamel).
 The support of growth within the body, helping cell to form to maturity with strong structural integrity.
 Formation of the external, internal and mucous membrane (nose, respiration, bladder, intestines, reproductive tract).

 Fights off pollution.
 Protects the body from free radicals.
 May be helpful in prevents ulcers, atherosclerosis, strokes and high blood pressure.
 Lowering cancer risk and supporting the immune system.
 Cell structural integrity and correct differentiation of surface cells.
 Healthy function of mucous membranes.
 In retinol form can optimise white blood cell production.
 Optimise recognition of food allergies, antibody response and the blockages of certain viruses.

Regulating genetic processes:
 Many of the body’s cells contain receptors for retinoic acid, which seems to aid their genetic processes.
 Fatigue and insomnia can be signs of deficiency as well as slight loss of smell and taste.
(Braun and Cohen, 2011; Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
 Co-factor in the metabolism and production of energy (carbohydrates and lipids).
 Health of nerves and nervous system (synthesis of acetylcholine), a neurotransmitter that carries messages between nerves and muscles enabling muscle tone. Includes cardiac muscle.
 Production of the myelin sheath, the protective insulation made from fatty like tissue around the nerves, a lack of which leads to inflammation.
 Growth and individual learning capacity in children.
 Depression.
 Fatigue.
 Irritability.
 Treatment of nerve conditions.
 Beriberi.
 Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.
 Loss of memory.
 Loss of motor skills.
 GI problems – lack of motility.
(Braun and Cohen, 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
 Formation of two of the co-enzymes used in the metabolism and production of energy.
 Needed for cellular respiration.
 Healthy eyesight.
 Healthy hair, skin and nails.
 Utilised for cellular growth.
 Supports the formation and recycling of other essential chemicals in the body. The production of niacin (vitamin B3), pyridoxal phosphate (vitamin B6) and glutathione.
 Nervous system health – head aches / migraines.
(Braun 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
 Produces two of the co-enzymes in the Krebs cycle providing metabolism and energy for every cell in the body.
 Energy production from carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
 Stimulation of circulation.
 Formation of red blood cells and steroids.
 Metabolism of some drugs and toxicants.
 Reduction of cholesterol.
 Healthy activity of the nervous system.
 Health of skin, tongue and digestive tract tissues.
 Synthesis of oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone and other corticosteroid hormones.
(Braun and Cohen, 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
 Precursor of Coenzyme A (CoA) this being an essential component of 4% of enzymatic reactions that are part of metabolism. Vitamin B5 is formed into Coenzyme A where it is used for the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Coenzyme A is also part of the degradation of various compounds including acetylcholine, cholesterol, fatty acids, porphyrins and steroid hormones.
 Vitamin B5 in the form of Coenzyme A is essential for cellular metabolism.
 It is closely linked with adrenal cortex function.
 Supports healthy skin and nerves.
(Braun and Cohen, 2011; Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
 Vitamin B6 and its coenzyme form pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P5P). These have numerous metabolic functions, significantly in amino acid metabolism and the central nervous system, here producing the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). There are numerous reactions that require vitamin B6 to be present, these include production of niacin from tryptophan, tryptophan to serotonin and the production of prostaglandin E2 from arachidonic acid.
 Hormone regulation.
 Vitamin B6 is used in the production of energy from all food groups (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) particularly protein.
 The degradation of proteins and the production of other amino acids.
 Transportation of amino acids across the intestinal mucosa into the blood stream.
 Importance in sulphur metabolism particularly with tryptophan, cysteine and methionine metabolism.
 Release of stored energy in the form of glycogen from the liver and muscles.
 Production of antibodies.
 Red blood cell production and haemoglobin synthesis.
 Functioning of DNA and RNA.
 The balance of sodium and potassium.
 Fluid balance regulation.
 The electrical functioning of the heart, musculoskeletal system and nerves.
 Maintenance of intracellular magnesium.
 Metabolism of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and acetylcholine.
 Metabolism of the allergy regulator histamine.
 Needed for the production of neurotransmitters and hormones.
(Braun and Cohen, 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)
 Converted into a coenzyme in the digestive tract and transported in the blood stream. Converted into its active form tetrahydrofolic acid (THFA) in the presence of niacin coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) and vitamin C.
 Production of red blood cells.
 With vitamin B12 and vitamin C breakdown of protein into amino acids and the formation of other amino acids.
 Formation of the nucleic acids for DNA and RNA.
 Growth and reproduction of cells (especially important for young children and pregnancy).
 Balancing of the brain’s neurotransmitter levels particularly the catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenaline and noradrenaline)
(Braun and Cohen, 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Vitamin C
 Antioxidant, preventing the oxidation of molecules that are soluble in water.
 Recycling of vitamin C from its oxidised form (ascorbyl radical) and reduced form (ascorbate), it is utilised in the metabolism of vitamin E.
 Protection of vitamin A, vitamin E and some of the B vitamins, beta carotene, Selenium and Zinc.
 Formation and maintenance of collagen, used to make connective tissue found in the bones, capillary walls, cartilage, joint linings, ligaments, teeth, vertebral disks.
 Maintenance of healthy tissue.
 Wound healing.
 Metabolism of tyrosine, tryptophan and vitamin B9.
 Stimulation of adrenal glands to produce epinephrine and nor-epinephrine (adrenaline and nor-adrenaline).
 Cholesterol metabolism.
 Thyroid function.
 Immune function – prevention and reduction of colds and flu.
 Immune response to bacteria, fungal and viruses including colds, flus, herpes, simplex, hepatitis, mononucleosis, measles, shingles and pertussis (whooping cough).
 Fatigue and metabolism issues.  Anti-inflammatory, particularly with microorganisms, irritants and decreased resistance – common condition treated include cystitis, bronchitis, prostatitis, bursitis, osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, dermatitis and back pain.
 Helpful for those withdrawing from substances.
 Promotion of appetite.
 Heavy metal elimination.
 Laxative properties.
 Absorption of iron from the gastro-intestinal tract especially in its non-heme (plant based) form.
 Blood sugar regulation.
 Possible support in the reduction of cataracts and glaucoma.
 Male infertility caused by the sperm clumping or clustering together and having a reduced level of mobility.
 Prevention of atherosclerosis reducing platelet aggregation, thereby reducing the formation of plaque and clots.
 Reduction of triglycerides and cholesterol, may promote high-density lipoprotein (HDL) good cholesterol.
(Braun and Cohen, 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Calcium (Ca)
 Required for the functioning of virtually every cell in the body.
 Structure of the bones and teeth and muscles.
 Needed for muscle contraction.
 Release of neurotransmitters.
 Nerve transmission.
 Signal transduction.
 Enzyme secretion.
 Heart function (muscular contraction of heart muscle).
 Vascular function.
 Blood coagulation.
 Glandular secretion.
 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) pumps, producing cellular energy.
 Needed for growth.
(Braun 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Iron (Fe)
 Present in haem proteins e.g. haemoglobin and myoglobin – used for the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
 Cytochromes, used for the transport of oxygen or mitochondrial electron transfer.
 A large number of enzymes rely on iron for their formation.
 Within the Krebs cycle it is found in most of the functional groups of enzymes.
 Significant biological functions rely on the high redox potential of iron supporting the conversion between Fe2+ and Fe 3+ forms.
 Key cofactor in the dopamine, norepinephrine (nor adrenaline) and serotonin synthesis and other neurotransmitters.
(Braun and Cohen, 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Magnesium (Mg)
 Anti-stress mineral.
 Natural tranquiliser.
 Relaxation / dilation of skeletal muscle and the smooth muscle of the vascular system and gastrointestinal tract.
 Health of the heart, prevent coronary artery spasm therefore heart attacks – dilation of cardiac muscle.
 Antiarrhythmic – prevents arrhythmia of the heart (irregular heart beat / palpitations).
 Intracellular nutrition activating enzymes that are needed for the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins.
 DNA and RNA production and function.
 Electrical potential modulation across cell membranes, allowing the passage of nutrients.
 Production of energy using adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
 Magnesium prevents nerve cell overstimulation by preventing excess calcium stimulation. Magnesium being placed at the gate of the calcium channels - calcium channel blocker.
 Dilation of blood vessels.
 Key role in the formation of over 350 enzymes and cofactors in over 300 enzymatic reactions.
 Protein synthesis for anaerobic and aerobic energy.
 Key role in cell division.
 Movement of potassium to myocardial cells.
 Formation of hard tooth enamel.
(Braun and Cohen, 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Phosphorus (Ph)
 Bone mass production.
 Cellular energy metabolism.
 Cell function.
 Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
 Coenzyme in a multitude of enzyme systems.
(Braun and Cohen, 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Potassium (K)
 This mineral is a main component of intracellular fluid, it maintains the balance of water between cells.
 The Na+/K+ ATPase pump (Sodium ion/Potassium ion adenosine triphosphate Pump) maintains a high intracellular level concentration of potassium.
 Numerous physiological processes, these include carbohydrate synthesis, cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscles contraction, gastric secretion, nerve impulse transmission, renal function, tissue synthesis.
 Maintains the acid / alkali balance of the body along with bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and sodium.
(Braun and Cohen, 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Sodium (Na)
 All body fluids contain sodium therefore it is required for numerous body functions.
 Acid / alkaline body balance.
 Adrenal gland function.
 Extracellular volume.
 Serum osmolarity.
 Intracellular and extracellular fluid balance / distribution.
 Membrane potential for cells.
 Active transport across cell membranes of molecules.
 Muscle contraction and expansion.
 Nerve stimulation.
(Braun and Cohen, 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Zinc (Zn)
 Carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
 Cell division and differentiation.
 Cognitive behaviour.
 DNA metabolism and repair.
 Embryogenesis.
 Growth and development.
 Immunity.
 Neurogenesis.
 Neural growth and transmission.
 Proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis of cells.
 Reproduction.
 Synaptogenesis.
 Taste.
 Vision.
(Braun and Cohen, 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Copper (Cu)
 Essential in the functioning of a number of enzymes these include amino acid oxidase, cytochrome C oxidase and monoamine oxidase.
 Cofactor in the copper-zinc dismutase and ceruloplasmin antioxidant enzymes.
 Antioxidant defence.
 Bone strength.
 Brain development.
 Cholesterol metabolism.
 Glucose metabolism.
 Host defence mechanisms.
 Infant growth.
 Iron transport.
 Myocardial contractility.
 Red and white cell maturation.
(Braun and Cohen, 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

Manganese (Mn)
 Amino acid metabolism.
 Carbohydrate metabolism.
 Cholesterol metabolism.
 Component of a number of enzymes as well as activating a number of other enzymes.
 Formation of bone.
(Braun and Cohen, 2011;Hass 2006; Hechtman 2012; Murray et al 2013; Pizzorno et al 2013).

These micronutrients need to be taken in adequate amounts either through food or supplementation to gain these effects. Foods such as Ginkgo nut can help to provide some of these essential nutrients.

Properties & Taste
Sweet, bitter, astringent, neutral and slightly toxic.

Lung and kidney meridian (Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM).

Therapeutic Values
Antitussive, antiasthmatic, anodyne. (Liu et al 2005).

Ginkgo nut’s use medicinally
It is only in recent years that Ginkgo’s leaves have been used for their medicinal qualities. The Ginkgo nut was traditionally used in TCM. It must be emphasised that the leaf and the nut whilst both coming from the same tree will have different properties, as they obviously have different components and therefore compounds, in their structure and function. Ginkgo has primarily been used to treat damp conditions, drying these due to its astringent properties. (Milner, 2015)

The Gingko nut was primarily used in TCM for respiratory complaints particularly asthma, bronchitis and coughing with phlegm. The Ginkgo nut also is used to treat incontinence, frequent urination, cloudy urine, spermatorrhea, vaginal discharge, swelling caused by unknown toxin, acne rosacea and psoriasis. Often the nuts were boiled as a tea and used to treat these conditions. (Puttalingamma, 2015).

Circulation to both the brain and coronary artery are reported to be improved by the flavonoid glycosides and ginkgolide found both in the kernel and the leaf of the Ginkgo tree. These may improve memory, support the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia type illnesses and help support against the aging process. (Chinese Healing, 2018).

Gingko nuts are known by different names in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yin Xing (Li 2002) Bai Guo (Liu et al 2005). They have been used for thousands of years as a form of medicine.

Ginkgo is used with a number of other Chinese herbs to treat conditions such as chronic bronchitis, bronchiole asthma, coughing and wheezing from a common cold. The indications for this being the wind or cold constricting the exterior of the body, whilst the heat of the body accumulates internally, with the presence of phlegm. The person usually has lots of thick profuse phlegm, a cough, wheezing, a tongue with a yellow and greasy coating and a slippery rapid pulse.

Ginkgo is also used to treat spleen deficiency where there is a damp manifestation, this has a downward draining aspect resulting in a yellow vaginal discharge. Ginkgo here is used alone or with other herbs. The main indications of this are the chronic, unending yellow vaginal discharge, appetite decrease, a complexion that is sallow, dizziness, menstruation that is delayed, menses that is pale, pulse is soft and slippery, loose stools and urinations that are pale.

Ginkgo is also used alone or together with other herbs to support kidney function and prevent vaginal discharge as a result of kidney deficiency. Main indications include watery vaginal discharge that is clear and unending, facial skin colour being pale, cold aversion, cold limbs, apathy, fatigue, vertigo, palpitations, shortness of breath, lumbar pain below the waist - as if a broken bone or cold setting in, frequent urination, tongue that is pale or flabby with a white coating, deep slow pulse.

Ginkgo is used to treat coronary heart disease and similar presentations, this is used with other herbs, the main focus here being to support and aid Qi stagnation, increasing levels of Qi and vitality in the body.

Ginkgo is used to treat conditions such as a spasmodic cough, this is used in line with other herbal medicines, the principle being to clear heat, drain lungs, transform phlegm and treat cough. Indications and other conditions that are related to this include dry mouth and throat, nausea and vomiting, haemoptysis and epistaxis, swollen eyelids and face, chest and hypochondriac pains, low grade fever.

Ginkgo is used to treat conditions such as pulmonary tuberculosis; this is indicated by low grade fever, fatigue, night sweats, emaciation, anaemia, haemoptysis, irregular menstruation, decreased / poor appetite, palpitations, chest pain, cough with sputum.(Liu 2005). This has also been found in pharmacological investigations where the active components of the ginkgo nut could inhibit bacteria, these included Mycobacterium which is linked with tuberculosis. (Dharmananda and Heiner, 1997).

An interesting fact about Ginkgo trees is that they are the only trees to have survived the atomic blast at Hiroshima. Current research has found that extracts from Ginkgo biloba leaves are likely to be valuable in protection against gamma irradiation, due to its levels of antioxidants and oxidative stress. (Okumus et al., 2011).

It must be emphasised that this information is given as an indication of the qualities the Ginkgo nut provides. If medicinal support is required for any of the conditions indicated it is best to see a health professional for appropriate guidance and support.

Cautions and Contraindications
Ginkgo leafs and nuts contain a toxin called 4’-0-methylpyridoxine or Ginkgotoxin, this interferes with the body’s ability to use vitamin B6 pyridoxine. The leaf contains a trace amount of this toxin which means it has relatively little impact on those taking the leaves in moderation. However the Ginkgo nut has a larger amount. The current recommendations are that health adult should consume no more than 10 nuts a day. A healthy child (aged 12-16 years) would have half the adult’s dose, therefore 5 nuts a day. A young child (aged 6-12 years) ideally should have 1-2 with younger children and infants having none. In China, Gingko nuts are generally not given to young children.

Effects of Ginkgotoxin are diarrhoea, dizziness, headache and nausea. These effects can be experienced by people who consume too much. Whilst some people may think this alarming it must noted that moderation is the key here. A reflection on the society around us will indicate foods rich in sugar, wheat and highly processed foods are eaten in excess and have clear links to many health problems including obesity, diabetes and cardiac problems.

Slightly Toxic: Dosages not More than 15 g of nut per day in Decoction - Adult. (Liu 2005). A decoction is when plant material such as nuts, seeds or roots is boiled or simmered for a length of time to extract the chemical from them.

There apparently is an antidote in Ginkgotoxins and this is a tea made of boiled Licorice root or Ginkgo shells. (Bensky 2004). However obviously it would not be wise to be taking more than the advised dose.

The Gingko nut, if taken in the correct amount, can help to provide a wide range of nutritional components that can help to support health. Ginkgo nut also has a wide range of uses that may support a number of health conditions. It can be taken as a medicine preparation or used as an ingredient in foods.


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