

The Essence of Life


• The key is to establish a routine, it may take a little time for your body to adjust. Persistence and commitment is required.

• Have a set routine regarding sleep and a pre-sleep rituals. Your body gets used to routines and rituals. It is good practice to establish these to aid your body to what it needs for sleep.

• Arise from bed the same time each day, this will help get your body into a routine. This is essential. – even if you’re tired.

• Use sunlight to help regulate your body. You’re body will naturally regulate itself to the sun.

• Do not cat nap or sleep during the day – this will effect the amount and quality of sleep you will have at night.

• Ideally, keep your bedroom for bed and sleeping only, this is to associate the bedroom and bed with sleeping only.

• Do not have TV’s, computers, games etc in the bedroom, these are high stimulus distractions.

• Avoid stimulating activities at the close of the day, wind down, do something relaxing.

• Keep the bedroom slightly cooler when you retire to bed. Ensure the bed linen is comfortable and the room is dark and quiet. Some people may prefer a nightlight due to concerns about the dark.

• Avoid lying in bed worrying about events in the day or what may happen. Use a diary, or assign yourself a worry period prior to going to bed. Worrying does not help the situation – it uses energy on thinking on things that may or may not be. It does not change the event.

• Use of a diary or journal is particularly important for noting progress and recording sleep patterns, as well as events or situations in the day, which may well have an impact on sleep.

• Focus on a healthy diet.

• Ensure you have a nutritionally balanced diet of health food, lack of certain vitamins and minerals can greatly effect the quality of your sleep.

• Limit the amount of caffeinated products ingested in the day (tea, coffee, coco cola, chocolate, and certain medications) – certainly after lunchtime 4-6 hours before bed. Caffeine is a stimulant and will keep you awake.

• Limit high sugar products such a carbonated drinks, sweets, lollies, energy drinks, especially at the end of the day, 4-6 hours prior to bed.

• Avoid spicy food prior to bed 4-6 hours prior to bed.

• Avoid alcohol and illicit drugs, these need to be avoided, all affect sleep quality, at least 4-6 hours prior to sleep.

• Ensure prescribed medication is prescribed and taken at the correct time of day; medications can affect sleep, so it is essential they are monitored and taken correctly.

• Avoid additives in foods, these can have a negative effect on well-being and sleep.

• Do not go to bed on a large meal, at least four hours after a meal. However, a light snack and drink such as warm milk may be helpful. Herbal teas such as chamomile, valerian, passionflower, hops or lemon verbena tea can aid sleep. Foods such as chicken, bananas and pistachio have a high tryptophan content, which may aid in sleep.

• Tart Cherry drink, taken daily can help in regulating sleep - boosting melatonin.

• Note – 4-6 hours is linked to the average time it takes most individuals to digest or metabolise a substance.

• Have a hot relaxing bath prior to bed, approximately 90 minutes before hand.

• Use regular exercise to help use up energy, do not exercise 4-6 hours prior to bed. 4-6 hours is linked to the release of chemicals such as adrenaline in the body. This is a stimulant and it takes the average person this time to metabolise these chemicals.

• Get a massage prior to bed to help your muscles relax.

• Use relaxation techniques to help you relax.

• Use deep breathing techniques, again this helps you relax and slows your mind down.

• Visualisation to assist with relaxation and sleep, this can either be a relaxing scene you image or the classic counting sheep. This all aids to slow, calm and focus the mind.

• Use meditation to help focus, calming and relaxation, use this prior to bed.

• Use specific yoga asanas (poses) to assist in sleep, there are certain asanas that will assist in sleep.

• Use of a couple of drops of pure Lavender essential oil on your pillow at night, or a small bunch of Lavender.

• Listening to calming music in bed can aid in sleep.

• TV is not advised prior to bed as TV can be an extremely stimulating medium.

• Retire to bed at the same time each night. However, if you are not sleepy at bedtime, do something relaxing such as reading or listening to calm music to help you sleep. Sleep if you are sleepy.

• When in bed, get into the position of most comfort to you. May be even doing some relaxation / breathing / visualisation techniques to assist in falling asleep.

• If you wake in the middle of the night, do your best to fall asleep. If you have not done so in 15 -20 minutes, leave the bed and do a relaxing activity to help prepare you for sleep, i.e. reading a book, relaxation techniques.